June 14, 2023

THIS is the tasty giant beans commonly known as wonder or butter beans. This beans is very special in that it's perennial.  You plant it once and it will live for over 5 years and you keep harvesting throughout.

One day my mother planted one bean plant and from one she harvested beans enough to feed whole family from one harvest. It is said that if you have a family of five, you only need about 10 seeds to plant and you will be feeding the family from only 10.


It's easy to irrigate because you only apply water where the plant is standing, so people without much water can easily grow it.

Spacing you plant4 meters between plants. (Just imagine) it grows so aggressively and it’s a climber. It really needs strong support as shown in the picture below.

It does very well in with manure and you can boost flowering with foliar fertilizers. Just boost with organic stuff like molasses (1 tablespoon dissolved in 2.5 liters of water, then spray on plants).

This bean has great demand within and without, just a few seeds less than a handful areusually sold in dollars.

The leaves are edible for humans and chickens too. It also improves the soils you know.

Good news is that we have seeds in stock and we have the speckled large type the highly sought for ones also known as the Christmas Lima variety. Well-loved in hotels and high-level eating places.

A packet with over 350 seeds only going at K100 just imagine. This is the beans whose seedwas once sold at k5 per seed and later dropped to k1 per seed. A meda of this bean last year was going at K500 to K1000. It’s our hope that it keeps dropping with increased availability,

especially the big size type like we have.

For details call0977465223 or you can visit us at Green Zones Nursery located Nansenga near KafueTurnpike.

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