July 19, 2024


Drip irrigation is a type of micro irrigation system that has potential to save water and nutrients, by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of the plants either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface.

In drip irrigation water is run through the pipes or plastic bottles with holes in them buried or lying slightly above the ground next to the crops. The practice helps to prevent diseases by minimizing water contact with leaves, stems and fruit of the plant.

Drip Irrigation helps for the purpose of using it during periods of water scarcity especially now when the country is affected by the droughts. With rapid climatic changes and increase in global temperature this practice can help farmers reduce their reliance on irrigation and water from other sources, it can also help conserve soil and water resources while improving crop yields.

Drip irrigation is an efficient and targeted method of delivering water to crops, Drip irrigation allows for precise and localized water delivery directly to the root zone of the plants.

27 -year-old, Gift Mpundu a youth farmer based in Lusaka says this targeted approach minimizes water waste and reduces the risk of moisture-related diseases by avoiding wetting the foliage.

He explained that this practice also allows the rows between plants to remain dry, reduces weed growth, saves time, money and water because the system is very efficient and it decreases labor.

He explained that Enhanced Nutrient Efficiency for drip irrigation systems can be combined with fertigation, the precise application of fertilizers through the irrigation system.

“This enables efficient nutrient delivery, promoting optimal growth and head development for the crops while minimizing nutrient runoff,” he said.

He added that reduced Weed Growth is imperative as it delivers water directly to the root zone of the cabbage plants, helps to minimize moisture in inter-row spaces, reducing weed germination and growth compared to accommodate the unique topography of cabbage fields, allowing for precise water application on sloped or irregularly shaped fields with minimal water runoff or erosion.

Further, Drip irrigation systems can be equipped with automated controllers, enabling precise control over the watering schedule based on specific crop water needs, environmental conditions, and growth stages of the plants.

“By utilizing drip irrigation in vegetables, cultivation growers can optimize water and nutrient management, improve crop quality, and minimize environmental impacts. Hence making it a favored irrigation method for various crops,” he said.

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