Poultry Predators

November 16, 2022

Over the years we have looked at livestock diseases, how to prevent and cure them and culling animals that can’t be cured. In this edition however, we take a different approach to look predators that are a danger to your livestock.

Monitor lizards

We had a chat with Ladislas Nkandu, as mall scale farmer in Kabwe who kept losing his chickens with no idea of what used to happen to them. At first he thought it was a thief but then as time went by, he would find some chicken feathers here and there and he knew he was dealing with a predator.

With time, he started setting traps until he caught the culprit in the photo below that had been responsible for the disappearance of his birds.

Monitor Lizards

Monitor Lizard

If chicks/ chickens are missing but there are no signs of disturbances, the culprit is likely a snake, monitor lizard, a rat, or a house cat.

Ladislas explained that his chickens kept disappearing and but there were no visible signs of disturbances. Predators that do this sometimes leave some feathers and wings scattered away from the site because they are not able to swallow these parts.

Hawk attacked Chicken

If adult birds are missing but with no signs of disturbances, it is most likely a dog, a hawk, or an owl. These predators usually kill, pick up, and carry off an adult chicken. Hawks take chickens during the day, while owls take them during the night.

How to Prevent Predation

After you identify which predators are causing problems with your flock, you can take actions to prevent their attacks. These actions may involve changing a flock’s enclosure, modifying the habitat around the area where you keep a flock, using a guard dog, or seeking assistance from wildlife services.

For persistent predators, it may be necessary to provide your flock with a run that is covered with welded wire. If you allow your birds to go in the run at night, make sure that predators are not able to dig under the fencing.

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