Zambia Breweries continues to empower cassava farmers in Luapula

October 17, 2024



The Zambian Breweries CassavaProgramme has significantly impacted the lives of local farmers in LuapulaProvince by driving  economic growth and promoting agriculturalsustainability through incorporating cassava into flagship products like MosiLight and Eagle Lager.

At a recent event in Chipili Districtcelebrating Cassava Farmers’ Day, Luapula Province Deputy Permanent Secretary(DPS) Prudence Mwansa Chinama praised local cassava farmers’ dedication andhard work. 

She emphasised the critical role ofcassava in the region’s agricultural landscape, especially in light of therecent droughts affecting crop production nationwide.

“Luapula Province has long been recognised as asignificant contributor to Zambia’s agricultural sector, and cassava remains one of our primary crops,” said DPS Chinama. “The cassava procured by Zambian Breweries is a key ingredient in the production of Eagle Lager and Mosi Light beers, a notable achievement as these locally developed and brewed beers haveing redients sourced right here in Luapula Province.”

Zambian Breweries’ cassava programme has created numerous opportunities for local farmers, ensuring their integration into the value chain. This integration provides a stable market for their produce and encourages crop diversification and employment.

Zambian Breweries CEO Thais Cavin at to highlighted the company’s dedication to local sourcing and value addition.“Zambian Breweries has had the privilege of working with farmers from across the country through our out-grower schemes, nurturing strong partnerships over the years,” she said. 

"By empowering our cassava farmers, we not only ensure a reliable supply of raw materials but also promote value addition and local sourcing, which are fundamental to who we are as Zambian Breweries.”

Smallholder farmers in Luapula Province have historically faced numerous challenges, including unpredictable weather patterns, crop diseases, and limited access to markets and improved farming techniques. However, private sector companies like Zambian Breweries are crucial in providing sustainable solutions.

A representative from the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI), Chief Research Officer for Region 3, Crisanty Chama, praised the collaborative efforts between ZB, Musika, and various stake holders in addressing these challenges.

 “Through partnerships with Zambian Breweries, Musika, and other stakeholders, we have introduced disease-resistant cassava varieties and provided farmers with training and resources to enhance their productivity and profitability,” Mr Chama stated.

The cassava out-grower schemes andcommunity-based programmes initiated by ZB have created substantialopportunities for crop diversification and economic growth in Luapula Province.In the 2024 season, the brewery will purchase cassava at K5 per kilogram or K5,000per tonne, creating a steady income source for farmers. This is furtherstrengthened by innovative technologies like BanQu’s blockchain digitalplatform, which enables seamless transactions and allows smallholder farmers toreceive their payments in minutes.

Beyond these efforts, Zambian Breweries is alsosupporting initiatives such as Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA)groups to help cooperatives thrive. These initiatives demonstrate ourcommitment to the broader growth of our farmers and communities.

providing access to financialresources and fostering cooperative development, we empower farmers to investin their futures and diversify their economic activities.

 This holistic approach reflectsour dedication to not only cassava cultivation but also the overall advancementof our farmers and the communities in which they live.

Furthermore, at the Cassava Farmers’ Day, ZBhonoured some of its hardworking smallholder farmers with mobile phones andsolar kits to enhance their access to technical agronomic information andfinancial services. Such initiatives are vital in promoting sustainable farmingpractices and boosting productivity.

“As Zambian Breweries, we understand that oursuccess is intertwined with the prosperity of our communities. When you thrive,we thrive,” added Cavinatto. “We are committed to building strong communitiesfocused on sustainability and socio-economic development.”

The ZB Cassava Programme’s success in LuapulaProvince serves as a model for sustainable agriculture and local economicdevelopment. As more farmers embrace improved farming methods and valueaddition, the future looks promising for cassava farming in Zambia.

DPS Chinama concluded, “To Zambian Breweries, Isay well done and please continue to support our cassava, small-scalefarmers. 

We celebrate the milestones so far butacknowledge that this is just the start. It will require all our continued andconcerted efforts to realise the full potential of cassava farming in LuapulaProvince.”

With the combined efforts of the government,local leadership, the private sector, and local farmers, the cassava industryin Luapula Province is poised for continued growth and success

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