Innovative Beef Farmer of the Year
Richard Nsamba - Kalomo

Innovative Dairy Farmer of the Year
Tyson Noole - Choma

Innovative Pig Farmer of the Year
Chinyama Pig Farm- Lusaka

Innovative Poultry Farmer of the Year
Meloday Tembo - Chilanga

Ernest Mwimbe -Luanshya

Innovative Mixed Vegetable farmer of the Year
Emmanuel Ndlovu - Lusaka

Innovative Tomata Farmer of the Year
Sikwaliyungu Mufwandala - Sioma

Innovative Vegetable Farmer of the Year
Emmanuel Ndlovu - Lusaka

Innovative Green Farmer of the Year
Abel Hangoma - Kafue

Innovative Agribusiness Reporter of the Year
David Chisanga - Lusaka

Innovative Livestock Farmer of the Year
Brigid C. Siakalenge - Chongwe

Innovative Cooperative of the Year
Mapepe Dairy Cooperative - Chilanga

Innovative Agriculture Marketing Company of the Year
Community Markets for Conservation COMACO

Innovative Farm Contractor of the Year