December 13, 2022


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lemongrass is an excellent source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. In addition, it contains folic acid, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, and copper. Lastly, lemon grass contains traces of B vitamins.

Apart from its culinary applications, lemongrass is also used as complementary or alternative remedy for a wide range of conditions.


#Used_in_treatment_of thrush (fungal) in immunosuppression

In treating opportunistic infections inpeople living with Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired ImmuneDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

A new research validated the use of lemongrass in treating thrush in people living with Human Immuno-deficiency Virus(HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

They concluded: “Though the patient population was small, the use of lemon grass for the treatment of oral candidiasis is in an HIV population was validated by the randomized controlled trial.”


Lemongrass is an excellent digestive aid.Its antiseptic properties kill harmful bacteria and parasites that can invadethe digestive tract that may take the place of beneficial bacteria found in thecolon.

This positive effect of lemongrass helps intreating common digestive ailments such as constipation, indigestion,heartburn, bloating, vomiting, abdominal cramps, stomach pains, and flatulence.In addition, it features antimicrobial properties that help relieve the painfrom gastroenteritis.

👉Drink lemongrass tea daily for bestresults. Never let children drink lemongrass tea infusions.


Lemongrass boasts anti-cholesterol qualities that significantly reduce the absorption rate of cholesterol along the intestinal tract. Additionally, lemongrass assists in the oxidative process of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream, thus effectively stopping the accumulation of plaque along blood vessel walls.

According to research, people with high cholesterol levels who used 140mg capsules of lemongrass supplement observed significant reduction in overall cholesterol levels. The high potassium concentration of lemongrass helps in normalizing blood pressure too.


Regular intake of lemongrass helps in cleansing and detoxifying the entire body. It gas diuretic effects which helps in the efficient removal of toxins, uric acid, and bad cholesterol from the bloodstream resulting in increased urinary frequency. Normal urinary patterns help in kidney cleansing.

The cleansing properties of lemongrass tea purify various organs including the kidneys, bladder, liver, and pancreas. It plays a crucial role in improving blood circulation.


Lemongrass feature antibacterial and antifungal properties that help the body to adapt to bouts of cough, fever, colds, and flu symptoms. It is rich in Vitamin C, thus it also helps in boosting the immune system and reduces risk of infection.

Lemongrass is powerful in breaking down mucus and phlegm which may have built up through the course of colds or flu. Drinking lemongrass tea is highly beneficial among those suffering from bronchitis and asthma.


Lemongrass helps in fighting cancer calls. A component in lemongrass called citral stimulates apoptosis- death of cancer cells without having adverse effects on health cells. Based on research, lemongrass is being used among patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

In a study published in 2008, citral found in lemongrass slows down the growth of breast cancer cells.

Lemongrass is teeming with antioxidants that help in lowering the risk of cancer by killing off free radicals.


The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of lemongrass makes it the best remedy for those suffering from debilitating conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout, and other conditions that involve the joints. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in slowing down the activity of enzymes that cause pain and inflammation in joints.


Breastfeeding mothers are recommended to drink lemongrass-infused drinks. This powerful herb contains galatctogogue properties that improves milk production, The antimicrobial properties of lemongrass helps in keeping the baby healthy by keeping them free from infections as they grow.


Lemongrass also has antidepressant characteristics, thus making it an excellent drink for those suffering from depression. The natural compounds found in lemongrass facilitate the release of serotonin in the bloodstream. Lemongrass drinks are mood enhancers, and due to increased production of serotonin, you can expect enhanced mood, increased confidence, and improvement in mental health as a result of drinking lemongrass tea daily.

Lemongrass is enriched with citronella, a chemical compound popular for its calming effects on both body and mind. It is also an excellent sleeping aid!


Lemongrass oil in diluted form is an excellent deodorant too. According to studies, lemongrass oil is found to be more effective than traditional deodorants in beauty counters.

Citral, the main chemical compound present in lemongrass, has aromatic qualities that masks bad odor effectively. It boast antimicrobial properties that control profuse sweating while slowing down the growth of microorganisms that cause unpleasant body odor.


Lemongrass is a great skincare remedy as it helps in treating symptoms associated with skin issues including large pores to fungal infections. The antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal benefits of lemongrass effectively limit bacterial growth on the skin. It also features astringent qualities making it an excellent remedy to use in minimizing pores. It also limits the secretion of oils resulting in firm and smooth skin.


You can drink one cup of lemongrass tea helps to help improve your sleep before bedtime. This is because lemongrass tea has a good soothing effect.


Just one cup of lemongrass tea can help remove the unwanted toxins from the body. It also cleans out the liver, kidneys, bladder and pancreas. This is important for promoting the overall health.


Lemongrass are rich in vitamin C. Just one cup of lemongrass tea makes a good remedy for skin problems. It helps clean the toxins out of the body. You can drink it regularly a healthy skin.


Studies have proven that lemongrass can be used like aspirin for relieving headaches and migraines. You can drink one or two cups of lemongrass tea daily, if you are suffering from migraines to get relief.



2 lemongrass stalks

1 tea bag

Juice from ½ lime

Pinch of ground cinnamon

Honey or sugar to sweeten (optional)

Boiling water

Picture credit - Lemon paradise


1. Remove the root end of the lemon grass stalk.

2. Remove any of the any dry outer leaves.

3. Gently bruise the base of the stalk using a rolling pin.

4. Tie the lemongrass in a knot.

5. Put in a cup with cinnamon and sweeteners.

6. Pour the boiling water.

7. Add the tea bag and remove as soon as thewater is golden brown.

8. Add lime juice to taste.

9. Serve with a lemongrass stirrer.


#Description: To Detoxify the system. This is simply the act of cleansing or flushing ones system from toxins and unwanted substances.

👉Wash and put the lemon grass in a  pot of water, peel the ginger and add into the pot of water containing the lemon grass and put to boil for 30 minutes. Ensure that the water covers the lemon grass and ginger.

Preservation: You can leave the mixture inside the pot to be warmed every morning or you can store in a container.

Dosage: Half a glass cup twice daily(Anytime of the day).Do not take if on medications and this is not suitable for pregnant women.


#Disclaimer this information is not analyzed by the food and drug agency (FDA) or ministry of health.

Dr. Lulu

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