September 27, 2023


Hibiscus tea 1l  (at Room temp)

Household sugar (granulated sugar) /Honey 1 cup

Lemon juice (10-15 large lemons) 1 ½ cups

Ice (optional)

Regular distilled/ sparkling water

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose,” Romans 8:28

We’ve heard the saying, “if life hands you lemons, make lemonade”. Well, summer is here and our bodies need to be kept well hydrated. What better way to do this than with a homemade hibiscus lemonade.

Emerging from the heart of North Africa, the hibiscus flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa) boasts of a captivating crimson hue and thrives abundantly in tropical climates. Ever had hibiscus tea? Well, envision a flavour that marries sweet and tart in perfect harmony, presenting itself with a ruby-red infusion, and can be taken hot or cold.

In the pages of our September's culinary journey, we shall delve into a lemonade rendition that moves away from the traditional recipe, by incorporating the vibrant essence of hibiscus. Try out the tantalizing flavours and enjoy therefreshment!


1.     Make your simple syrup, in a mediumsauce pan, heat up 1 cup sugar/honey and 1 cup water. Stir on medium high heatuntil sugar/honey dissolves and set aside to cool completely.

2.     Once cooled, in large jug/pitcher,add the hibiscus tea, simple syrup and 2 cups of distilled/sparkling water.

3.     Stir and taste. If too sweet, addmore water to your liking.

4.     Serve chilled and enjoy.


1.     If you have dry hibiscus flowers,soak a handful in water (about 8 cups of water) overnight and strain.

2.     If you are using hibiscus tea bag,steep in hot water and allow to cool completely.

3.     Add ice if you are serving thelemonade immediately.

4.     Here are some health benefits ofhibiscus:

·        Full of antioxidants

·        Improves blood fat levels

·        Boosts health of liver

·        Promotes weight loss

·        May help prevent cancer

·        Lowers blood pressure

·        Boots immune system

·        Fights bacteria

·        Ease kidney stones

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